Come and Get your Culture

The brainchild of two Lafayette, IN residents looking for morsels upon which you culture vultures may gorge on. Be it music, art, literature or anything else we have a hankering for.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Daft Punk is playing in my Nikes

And I like it...

LCD soundsystem released a mix with iTunes and Nike. It's pretty tight and I've read about the release in everything from Rolling Stone to the NY times. ie. Someone's PR agent's working extra hard with placement in the media...and I want them to hire me.

(Why? Because if you're "hip", you've probably seen their work. They are another of those "taste-maker" centred marketing companies that aggresively pursue pretentious bloggers (ahem), American Apparel-sporting, Indie-loving, VICE magazine-reading hipsters etc.)

Anyway, you can get it from iTunes and listen to it at the Hype Machine.

The track's called "45:33", just like that John Cage piece, except there's music...


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